Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shayne Leighton's Incubus Love

The paranormal romance genre has been a favorite for centuries. It's origins can be traced back over hundreds of years, being carried to our time through stories orally passed down from generation to generation, more recently the movie and television industry has picked up the trend and has created some successful... and some not so successful, movies and television series.

One project that has been successful throughout Florida and has spread throughout the world via promotions on various web-sites and word of mouth has been Shayne Leighton's debut movie, a paranormal romance "The Incubus"

Incubi/Succubi, by definition, are creatures that lack a soul of their own, they feed off of human emotion to live. Vampires, ghosts, werewolves and such have been used so much as a theme Ms. Leighton wanted something different, and that something was an introduction to a whole new world career-wise.

I had the chance to interview the mind behind the camera, the star, producer, featured singer in the film and co-director, Shayne Leighton herself!


PR: Why did you decide on an Incubus for the paranormal creature?

SL: I chose an incubus/succubus because I obviously love that paranormal romance genre, and wanted to do a story about a creature that's rarely been done before. There's never really been a popular book or movie that surrounds the concept of an Incubus, especially not one that appeals to a younger generation. Plus, I think the idea of what an incubus is lends itself really well to a paranormal romance in that...loving an incubus is forbidden and impossible. How can you love someone that is forbidden to touch you?

PR: When did you begin writing the screenplay?

SL: I began writing the screenplay when I was 18 and in my senior year of high school. I had just wrapped up my first independent film project, Guardian of Eden, which was also a paranormal romance that never saw the light of day. I was inspired to write The Incubus when I decided I wanted to start fresh on a brand new story.

PR: Did you always see yourself playing the character of Marnie?

SL: Yes. Just like Ben Afflec and Matt Damon did it - I knew this industry is EXTREMELY competitive. I know what I want to do in life. I know what I love. Sometimes...you just have to do it for yourself. Some people will look down on that, but at the end of the day, I would never ever exchange the experience and the lessons I learned for anything.

PR: How long had you known Alexandra Santana, Frantisek Mach and Michael Nori, your co-stars, before production?

SL: I knew Frantisek the longest - since I was 16 - and always had him in mind for Raphael. He was in my first film, Guardian of Eden. Alexandra was my best friend in high school and I knew how talented she was because we both attended the school of the arts. Michael was the only one I met at the Incubus auditions, but I knew we would be instant friends.

PR: The movie began as a small budget project, how did that change?

SL: I had first approached our executive producer, Marcie Gorman, with the idea that The Incubus would be made on a "shoe-string-budget". It was supposed to be a very small indie film. But more and more people started coming onto the project and the interest in the idea continued to snowball and grow. Marcie kept going like a bullet train - nothing standing in our way. Before I knew it, my 10 thousand dollar film had grossed into a half a million dollar motion picture that would eventually play in movie theaters - a dream come true!

PR: How long was it between pre-production to completion?

SL: Believe it or not, The Incubus is STILL getting tweaked by our editor in New York in preparation for an awesome surprise coming soon. In its entirety, its been about two years!

For those who have been captivated, and or obsessed, with Twilight, Teen Wolf and the legends of Dracula, this is a new creature to get your mind on.

You can find out more about The Incubus on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theincubusfilm
Or the official website, where you can order the movie, starring Shayne Leighton, Michael C. Nori, Frantisek Mach, Melvin Lima, Donna Lisa, Alexandra Snatana and James Pace, and the official soundtrack, with music by Anthony Espina, Shayne Leighton and Alexandra Santana: http://incubusmovie.com/

To follow all of Miss Leighton's newest projects, you can find her here: http://www.facebook.com/shayneleighton?ref=ts

Please follow the Little PR facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/alittlepr 


  1. Fab interview, it's amazing what we can do if we keep dreaming and working toward making those dreams a reality. Congrats on the major success the book has already enjoyed, for the continued success this--and your future projects--will gain.
    I'm totally psyched to see this one in the movies, Shayne. Hope that I don't have to wait too long :)

  2. The movie was released back in February, you can order or stream it here :)
